We’ve worked with Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust to create artworks for the inpatient mental health wards in Redruth and Bodmin, and to initiate a strategy to put culture and creativity at the heart of mental health care in Cornwall.

Hospital Rooms is collaborating with artists, service users, staff and members of the public with lived experience to create twelve new artworks for the inpatient mental health wards at Camborne Redruth Community Hospital and Bodmin Community Hospital. Together, we’re transforming the wards with artworks made especially for these spaces, and making access to arts and culture central to the treatment of mental illness in Cornwall.

Anna Testar
Senior Project Curator
Anna is a medium height white woman with longish red hair. Her pronouns are she/her. She was born and raised in London.
Anna leads on Hospital Rooms projects, working with artists, NHS staff and patients and arts and community organisations to bring art and creativity to inpatient mental health wards. Anna studied Fine Art and History of Art at university. She spent a decade working in museums and galleries before joining Hospital Rooms in August 2021. Anna’s favourite artist is Käthe Kollwitz. Having recently moved to Cornwall, she now spends all her spare time in the sea.
“Art is so important – it helps our wellbeing in many different ways and I am delighted that we are part of this exciting project with Hospital Rooms. As well as creating art for some of our inpatient wards, I hope it will create a lasting legacy which will benefit people for years to come.”
View the gallery of works created by artists on this project
Project curator team

Anna Testar
Senior Project Curator
Anna is a medium height white woman with longish red hair. Her pronouns are she/her. She was born and raised in London.
Anna leads on Hospital Rooms projects, working with artists, NHS staff and patients and arts and community organisations to bring art and creativity to inpatient mental health wards. Anna studied Fine Art and History of Art at university. She spent a decade working in museums and galleries before joining Hospital Rooms in August 2021. Anna’s favourite artist is Käthe Kollwitz. Having recently moved to Cornwall, she now spends all her spare time in the sea.
“The work of Hospital Rooms is inspiring and humbling, it reminds us that creativity is a human right. Tate St Ives are excited to support this project and to build new partnerships with mental health settings in Cornwall. Art and creativity are powerful tools in creating hope and providing solace, particularly in difficult times, and we’re pleased to be able to contribute to this important work with people in Cornwall.”
Got a different question?
The project is due for completion in Summer 2024.
Abigail Reynolds, Alvin Kofi, Anna Barriball, Ben Sanderson, Chantal Joffe, Janet Holland, Lucy Willow, Maria Christoforidou and Viviane Vaux, Melanie Stidolph, Phillippa Clayden, Ro Robertson and Sovay Berriman.
Yes! In August 2024, we will be publishing a beautiful book that tells the story of the project through photographs and written contributions from the artists, staff and service users who have been involved. This will be accompanied by a display at Newlyn Art Gallery and The Exchange in Penzance. The book will be available to purchase from our online shop. Unfortunately, because of the nature of the spaces in which the artworks are installed, it will not be possible to view them in person.
The workshop season for the Cornwall project has now finished, and our talented team of artists are now busy working on installing their artworks on-site.
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Thank You
This project is supported by a wide variety of partners without whom it would not be possible. We are very grateful to: Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, COAT Paints, Seasalt Cornwall, St. Eval, Winsor & Newton, and Arts Council England. Our cultural partners are Arts Well, Dartington Arts School, intoBodmin, Newlyn Art Gallery & The Exchange, Tate St Ives and Shallal.