We’re working with young people to transform an outpatient building in Sandwell.

We’re collaborating with artists and young people over the next year to make Sandwell CAMHS a more beautiful and creative place. Together, we’re going to transform the CAMHS building with artworks made especially for these spaces, co-produced with and for the young people who encounter the service.

Mattie Hartley
Project Curator
Mattie (She/Her) is a medium height white woman with shoulder length blonde hair, her pronouns are she/her. She was born in West London, grew up in West Yorkshire and moved back to London after graduating.
As a Project Curator, Mattie is responsible for running our projects, working with artists, NHS Trusts, service users and community partners. Mattie took a wiggly route into the arts after studying English at university. She first worked in cultural programming and commercial partnerships, then in the delivery of partnerships (account management) within art galleries, before joining Hospital Rooms in April 2022.
“It is wonderful that Sandwell CAMHS has teamed up with Hospital Rooms to bring beautiful, unique artwork to our Lodge Road site. The project will bring Sandwell young people together and give them a chance to express themselves creatively, while making a real difference to improve the environment for young people who use our service.”
Project curator team

Louis Caseley
Participation Lead
Louis is a medium-height white man with brown curly hair, his pronouns are he/him. He was born and raised in London.
As participation lead, Louis supports on running projects with a key focus on engagement and accessibility for service users and artists. Louis has worked with Hospital Rooms since 2019 having previously worked as an arts facilitator, art technician and illustrator in various settings. Louis’ favourite artist is Mike Kelley and he likes shopping on eBay.

Mattie Hartley
Project Curator
Mattie (She/Her) is a medium height white woman with shoulder length blonde hair, her pronouns are she/her. She was born in West London, grew up in West Yorkshire and moved back to London after graduating.
As a Project Curator, Mattie is responsible for running our projects, working with artists, NHS Trusts, service users and community partners. Mattie took a wiggly route into the arts after studying English at university. She first worked in cultural programming and commercial partnerships, then in the delivery of partnerships (account management) within art galleries, before joining Hospital Rooms in April 2022.
Louis is a medium-height white man with brown curly hair, his pronouns are he/him. He was born and raised in London.
As participation lead, Louis supports on running projects with a key focus on engagement and accessibility for service users and artists. Louis has worked with Hospital Rooms since 2019 having previously worked as an arts facilitator, art technician and illustrator in various settings. Louis’ favourite artist is Mike Kelley and he likes shopping on eBay.
Mattie (She/Her) is a medium height white woman with shoulder length blonde hair, her pronouns are she/her. She was born in West London, grew up in West Yorkshire and moved back to London after graduating.
As a Project Curator, Mattie is responsible for running our projects, working with artists, NHS Trusts, service users and community partners. Mattie took a wiggly route into the arts after studying English at university. She first worked in cultural programming and commercial partnerships, then in the delivery of partnerships (account management) within art galleries, before joining Hospital Rooms in April 2022.

Explore the Sandwell Gallery
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The workshop season for the Sandwell Project has now finished, and our talented team of artists are now busy working on installing their artwork on-site.
The project is due for completion in Summer 2024.
Georgia Akbar & Emily Rees-Haynes, Rana Begum, Betsy Bradley, Marley Starskey Butler, Roo Dhissou, Miranda Forrester, Christian Marclay, Poppy Nash, Sarah Taylor Silverwood, Andre Williams.
Thank You
This project is supported by Arts Council England, without whom it would not be possible. This project is recognised as a National Portfolio Organisation (NPO) 22-25 by Arts Council England.