Egg Tempera Paint Tutorial with Nina Royle
Nina’s workshop will teach you how to make egg tempera paint from the yolk of an egg and a selection of dry, earth pigments. Egg tempera paint has an incredibly long history of use. It is typically associated with panel paintings made during the Middle Ages.
Materials used:
– A5 or A4 cartridge paper
– 1-2 eggs (as fresh as possible)
– Dry earth pigments such as Yellow Ochre (These can be purchased at a fine art supplier such as A.P. Fitzpatrick:…)
– A toothpick (alternatively you can use your nail)
– A large pebble or smooth rock to grind your paint
– A palette knife or butter knife
– A jar of water
– A jar with a lid for your egg tempera paint
– A cup for separating your egg
– A flat surface on which to mix your paint. Nina uses a glass palette but you could use a ceramic plate or glass chopping board.
Nina Royle
Having grown up in the county, subsequently spending a period of 10 years away studying, Nina Royle returned to her roots and now lives full-time in Cornwall. She holds an MA in Fine Art from the Slade School of Painting and has exhibited extensively since graduating including at The Newlyn Art Gallery, and Exeter Pheonix, Devon.