How to make Simple Art Collages Tutorial with Artist Bindi Vora
In this session, we will explore how visual images and language (words or sentences) can be merged together to consider new meanings.
Materials used:
• Markers / Pens / paint (any of these can be used)
• Old newspapers / magazines where letters / words can be cut out from
• Pritt Stick *Scissors (or try tearing)
• Image pack download below
• Optional: Alphabet stickers
• If you don’t have coloured stickers, you can make your own in any shape by painting white paper with watercolour or acrylic paint and cutting around them in any size / shape you wish. Or old magazines / newspapers can be a good colour paper source.

Bindi Vora
Bindi Vora is an interdisciplinary artist of Kenyan-Indian heritage, associate lecturer at LCC and senior curator at Autograph, London. She interested in how ideas of resistance and resilience are shaped by our surroundings, histories and lived experiences.